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Peer Feedback

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peer feedback #1:



I really enjoyed your highly visual analysis and your ability to so candidly critique a unit you created yourself.  I especially enjoyed that you looked deeper in order to see that the unit was not a true inquiry unit, despite its original intention. 

I found it fascinating that you had put in place the 5E model, but after further understanding of inquiry, you saw that the amount of lessons and teacher-directed work make the 5E inquiry model obsolete. 

I actually liked one element of your original lesson quite a lot, which was the specific formative assessment for each week.  Although a summative assessment can show the big picture, formative assessments are important to show teachers what still needs practice, and I enjoyed seeing that on your unit plan.  

I also loved the table you created breaking down the levels of thinking using Bloom's Taxonomy.  What a great way to really see how your lessons are stretching kids' minds and getting them to think in the higher order!

I lastly enjoyed your analysis at the end where you described that despite the original intention to integrate science and geography, you weren't truly successful the first time around.  The graphic showed this very nicely.

Great job--I was inspired by your work and got some great ideas from it.  Thank you!

peer feedback #2:



Coming from a high school perspective, it was fascinating to read your analysis from a higher education unit.  I particularly enjoyed the video and after reading Elena's comment that it should be embedded, I was glad you did, as I may not have been as inclined to watch it if I had to click a link to it.

Your analysis of teacher-led questioning made me think about my own practice as a history teacher.  I loved your discussion of teacher directed inquiry not being wrong, just at a lower level of Bloom's Taxonomy, and the aim should be to bring students beyond that.

Your analysis against the requirements for the Australian Qualifications for uni degrees in this area was also well done.  I have never thought about the requirements for fields beyond Education, and I enjoyed seeing this new viewpoint.

Although you clearly explained the requirements of the unit and analysed it, I had trouble envisioning what the assessment of the unit was and what the individual lessons actually looked like.  Although I found the weekly lesson breakdown, it would have been beneficial to have a copy of the whole unit embedded in the blog, though I understand that you may not have had permission to do so.  I also agree with Elena that the images at the end feel a bit disjointed.

Very well done and I truly enjoyed reading your analysis and looking at a new side of education.  Thank you!

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